Every human beings are unique, Each individual each has different potential ,that is a unique character ,which builds our identity our personality.

“Character defines who you are “,this is a saying which most of us ,a character can make a person or break a person .

There is one thing that comes between us and God is the Ego and character flaws .

Though all of us have a Unique personality we are subjected to negative thoughts or emotions which pulls us down or breaks us down.

Now let us how we can conquer our character .

Training the mind:

Self-pity is one of the character flaws which boosts our ego and makes us debted towards others .we are dependent on others ,we become defensive and constantly feel sorry for ourselves .we also become victim of our self-pity which pulls us down.when someone criticizes us stand out of the situation and analyze the situation.God tests us most of the time,we need to have strength and patience to know the truth.

We need to heed one more symptom we justify and react to others criticism or comments.When someone says something which we may not like,learn to see the truth maybe that person is helping.

Self- Esteem comes from within:

Self importance is a flaw which gives boost to our ego, most of the time we keep telling I did this ,I did that,we seek for appreciation from outside .if we know our real nature we will not be boastful of ourselfs ,we forget God is the doer of everything .

There is a saying “Pride goeth before a fall,”is very true because the moment you indulge in false pride ,know that you are headed for a fall.

“Full many a flower is born to blush unseen and waste its sweetness on the desert air.”

It really does not matter whether we recieve appreciation or merit for our deeds.

The need for recognition can be a pitfall on the spiritual path.Flattery can only give wings to false Ego.

The spiritual seeker never goes for flattery ,appreciation ,they know their dvinity is within them they know God is the doer ,if they are someone today it is because of the God.The adulation that we recieve from outside becomes empty if we always seek outside appreciation.When you have inner satisfation and have Gods grace nothing will ruffle you whether it is praise or blame .You go forward in your life because you know god is with you and reain humble always.

Balance Attitude towards mistakes:

Every individual commits mistake ,that happens because it’s human nature. The mistakes maybe small, its not wrong to commit mistakes .An intelligent person does not repeat the same mistakes again, he considers his fault as lesson and moves forward in his life.

Self condemnation is the greatest mistake anyone can do ,i am not worthy i am undeserving ,it obstrucs us from going forward ,accept yourself as unique individual and always strive for a better life because ups and down are part and parcel of our life .

Honesty with yourself and God:

Dishonesty is a serious flaw ,when we are in conflict with our mind we are dishonest .Be honest toward yourself first then towards God when be truthfull to ourselves we never hurt others,we need to discriminate what is true and false .

Suppose a thief comes and asks your bank account ,jewels do you be honest and tell everything, no that is not honesty it is upright foolishness ,be intelligent and wise be true to yourself when we are right we know it ,we know when we are wrong because we feel guilty when we do wrong ,that is the place where we need correction,when we feel helpless or get angry we can call upon god for our aid this is what one can do.

Patience and Determination:

Most of us are impatient with each and everything ,we cant even wait for que in temples we grumble and bicker most of the time . For every individual patience is a must or we cannot be happy at all we might ruin our relationship with everyone .

If you are a spiritual seeker ,for the pursuit of God you need to have a strong will power and patience ,you need to struggle with yourself and help yourself otherwise you can never remain steadfast otherwise you will be blown out by wind ,Are we so fragile when we have so much potential within us why do we be impatient for each and everything .

“In the valley of sorrow ,a thousand years or till tmorrow ,but I’ll wait to see you ,you you-just you.”this is patience it doesn’t matter ,Lord whether you come to me now or thousand years from now,Ill go on seeking you just the same”. This is the determination one should have to seek God ,we cannot condition and put time constraints ,he responds when he knows you are ready, this is the way where one can exercise patience ..

Overcome Negativity from your life:

Negative thinking is a cancer on the soul .Great masters have said that “Though my sea is dark and my stars are gone,still i see the path through thy mercy “.

Fill your life with positivity,always look at the bright side ,there are two sides always the positive and the negative ,we can overcome any kind of problem with positivity ,unless we do this we cannot succeed.

To be successfull in life we always need to look for the best alternative ,one should not be judgemental ,should scrutinize the situation and then come to conclusion.

Light is within us ,nothing can stop us from shining .

Perfect relationship with God :

The most beautiful relationshp for every individual is the Love of god ,he is the only person whom we can depend all time ,we always seek for objects not knowing what one should really seek ,the joy is always there .Trust in yourself and the lord no stumbling block can ever come to you .A few minutes if we dedicate our life to god our life will become beautiful.

“It is said that If you take one step he will take thousand steps for you.”

It’s never to late Be aware of the light within you .