Mangalore : Humanity first foundation group also know as H.F.F. Mangalore, Started the movement with strong motive to fight for and to support the rights of common people and a mission to extend help for the deserving, underprivileged individuals in the society. They have taken active participation in organizing many Charity Events. In order to reach their future projects they have organised "Mike Simon Nite " a musical event on 23 October 2022.
The inauguration ceremony of this event was held in Angelore Church Hall on 4/8/2022 evening. The program (Muhurthum) was inaugurated by Rev.Fr. William Menezes (Parish Priest of Guardian Angel Church)and Rev.Fr. Lawrence Cutinho ( Asst. priest of Angelore Church). Rajesh Misquith the President of H. F. F welcomed the honorable guests. The guests included , Mike Simon ( Music Composer), Joswin Pinto (Music Director), Noel Pinto ( Vice President of Angelore Parish Council & Member of H.F.F), Lolina Lobo ( Secretary of Angelore Parish Council & Legal Advisor of H.F.F), Prem D'Souza ( Vice President of H.F.F). The Members of H.F.F were present.The program was concluded with a vote of thanks by Maxim D'souza. The whole program was wonderfully hosted by Felix Moras.