New Delhi, Sept 29: Kanara Cultural Association (KCA) New Delhi organized an impressive function at the Diocesan Community Hall, Sacred Heart Cathedral Campus, and New Delhi to honor more than 20 Corona Warriors working at different hospitals in Delhi National Capital Region on September 12, 2021. Dr. Charles Lobo, Additional Secretary/ Member (Operations), Postal Services Board, Ministry of Communications, did the honoring. Dr. Lobo appreciated the outstanding service rendered   by the Covid Warriors to the society during the pandemic but expressed his doubts who will remember the person/service? In his, well received speech, he pointed out parallels from history, particularly contribution of outstanding doctors from Konkani speaking community of western coast who also did pathbreaking research in reporting the pandemic and providing timely service to the people when there was plague and cholera in 19thand early 20th century. He also pointed out great personalities from Konkani speaking community   who have in the past provided outstanding service to our country in areas of administration and politics but asked the audience whether our children know them or remember their service? He answered his question by giving a practical suggestion that we must bring out small booklets on these topics and personalities to inspire   our children so that we can have great doctors, administrators and politicians in the future also from our Konkani speaking community. Dr. Charles requested KCA to start a library and gave copies of his books and financial contribution to implement his suggestion. He also recalled, his memorable experience of bringing a special postal cover in September 2018 from the Department of Post, Government of India on “Manglorean Monti Fest” which is noted all over the world. The narration in English reads as: “Every year, on 8th September, Mangalorean Catholics world over celebrate the nativity of Mary, mother of Jesus. The festival originated in Mangaluru in 1763 is known as Monti Fest. Children bring flower to worship Mother Mary. New paddy (novem) is blessed and eaten on this day. This is also celebrated as harvest festival. This is an integral part of the cultural heritage of Mangaluru.’’

During the function  more than 25 meritorious children of KCA members from National Capital Region were honored by Delhi Government’s Principal Secretary, Department of Education Mr. Rajesh Prasad. While appreciating the performance of each child, Prasad, also shared his experiences in the area of education in Delhi.  He told the audience that the last 18 months, starting from March 2020 was one of the most difficult period for school going children.   He appreciated, KCA initiative to encourage Children and also for providing a cultural platform. He expressed his gratitude for providing him an opportunity to interact with the community and exposure to KCA, which has an impressive service record since 1966 promoting Konkani language and culture of coastal Karnataka people in the national capital of India.

At the beginning of the formal function KCA President, Pius Monterio extended warm welcome to Archbishop Emeritus Vincent M. Concessao for his presence and encouragement, he being a founder member of KCA. KCA Vice President Louis Rodrigues gave memento to Bishop Vincent.

Another highlight of the program was felicitation to newly appointed Vicar General of Delhi Arch Diocese Rev. Fr. Vincent D’Souza and South Asia Provincial of Jesuits Rev. Fr. Jerome Stanislaus D'Souza. In reply to the felicitation, Fr. Vincent highlighted the importance of having an attitude of gratitude. He also pointed out it is important to respect our mothers and also the earth/nature. South Asia Jesuit Provincial Fr. Jerome Stanislaus D'Souza, recalled the happy childhood memories linked with Manglorean, culture, traditions linked to the harvest festival and Monti fest.

KCA also extended warm welcome to new comer, Ivan Dsouza ex- MLC, Karnataka who informed that he has been posted at party headquarters with new responsibilities. Another dignitary, present for the function was Vasanth Shetty, Chairman Delhi Kannada Education Society, who extended his greetings to all KCA members on the occasion of Monthi fest.

Excellent introduction of dignitaries by Pius Monterio, President KCA; Elias Pinto Ex-President KCA, Vincent Menezes, Ex-President KCA and KCA youngsters Richeal, Anisha and Riva was appreciated by all. Konkani song “Mogacho Petlo Uzo” sung by Richeal Monteiro &“Dabazo” sung by Fr Sunil, Arun, Godfrey attracted loud applause.

Emcee of the program Merlin Frank didan excellent job and KCA cultural secretary Melwyn Lobo proposed a vote of thanks.

KCA Monti Fest 2021:

The highlights of September 12, 2021 Kanara Cultural Association (Regd.), Monti fest celebration at the Diocesan Community Hall, Sacred Heart Cathedral Campus, New Delhi are : solemn con-celebrated  mass in Konkani that started at 9.45 with elaborate introduction by South Asia Provincial of Jesuits Rev. Fr. Jerome Stanislaus D'Souza,  a melodious Konkani choir, a good sermon by Fr. Vincent D’Souza, prayer of the faithful that highlighted the girl child,  impressive offertory procession, blessing of the new harvest by Fr. Rohan, the joy filled nativity flower ceremony in front of infant Mary statue -- all singing “sakkad sangatha melya”-- that made all happy. After the mass a cup of coconut milk with novem and good breakfast with coffee revived the memories and community spirit of around 200 people present for the function from the national capital region, who were wearing masks and observing social distancing. The program concluded with a well-cooked Manglorean meal as per schedule.