Have you ever thought what is life ?I often ask questions what is this life,how to lead this life;I never thought ,but life went on for years .

First as a child ,then comes youth, then adult .Today when writing this we feel it is necessary topic to ponder on.

For most of, lifefestyle is common , but we feel there is much more to do it.

Talking about vedic view of life ,one has to study one’s own VEDA, but, unless one studies will not know its mandate.

How one can knows what to do and what not to do.And what are ones priorities .Yes, we imitate this from our elders ,thus this has gone from generation to generation.

This is the substance of our culture ,which is Bharatiya culture which has its roots in the veda .

Work is worship:The routine work we do has come from Bharatia culture from saying Namaste to apply tilaka , the pursuit of spiritual knowledge ,everything we do may not come from vedas but it comes from elders.

“Danena adanam tara,akrodhena krodham tara, sraddhaya asraddham tara,satyena anrtam tara,setumstirtva svar gaccha jyotirgaccha:overcome the incapacity to give by giving ;by trust ,overcome lack of trust; by truth ,overcome what is false ;having crossed this four-fold difficulties –to –cross human traits ,may you gain happiness.

Every individual ,by nature ,is insecure right from childhood .A human child,being what it is ,is helpless,one hundred percent helpless .everyone has the fear of death,the urge to live comes along with the fear of death.

A child is given the urge to live ,but it does not know how to go about ,it does not have the capacity , the skills to survive .

Before it was born it was secure ,connected to janani.Then the connection was snapped,and it had to start an independent life ,so the child is helpless.

The child starts its life depending upon its mother,the helplessness is compensated by the trust it has for the one who cares for it.

What we need to understand is the child with the help of trust is free from panic .othewise it will die from sheer fright.It is free from panic because of total trust because the helplessness is total.And the trust needs to be total because the helplessness is total .The child cannot afford to distrust the person who cares for it.

The child grows up first ,it imitates the mother ,If the mother says good the child is happy ,then the child starts going to school,but it is forced to go ,do you know what the child might be thinking ,my parents are punishing me ,I am banished from home ; the child learns everything from its home.The first teacher is mother,the child does everything to please its motherand father.If the parents praises him or her the child is happy .The second guru is its teacher ,the child imitates the teacher when teacher praises the child ,it is happy.First the child is very comfortable with the teacher but as the child grows up it understands that the teacher is indifferent towards the child,sometimes the teacher scolds for no reason .

This makes the child indifferent it becomes sad and feels it is not wanted.The role of parents and teacher is to appreciate the child when the child does something it might be art,dance or anything ,the more we appreciate more the child feels good.

Make the child feel important ,teach small things allow the child to take decision,Most of the time we say no to children.

As we grow up we develop the same qualities ,these things can be changed only by the way we think and act.

In order to overcome this we need to know who we are ,accept ourselves as we are; and understand that success and failure is a part of life .

All of us are child within , so discover and nurture the child in you and know who you really are .

All of us are unique in their own way ,all beings are beautiful creation of God.

Live life intelligently ,life is all about ups and down .

Intelligent person never broods, accept life and move forward .

Life goes on ,so be happy kepp smiling .