Mangalore: A cebration to mark the 50 years of literary journey of renowned orthopaedic surgeon, Professor at Srinivas Medical College, Mukka, Dr. Edward Nazareth was held at Sandesha, Mangalore on 15th September, 2024. 

The programme was organised by Karnataka Konkani Writers Association. Stany Alvares, President of Karnataka Konkani Sahitya Academy was the chief guest and Rev. Dr. Michael Santhumayor Presided over the programme.  Dolphy Lobo and Laveena Mascarenhas presented papers on the literary work of Dr. Edward Nazareth.  Edward Nazareth started writing in Konkani periodicals in 1974 when he was a highschool student, which he continued uninterrupted for the past 50 years. Over the years he had wriiten several articles on health and hundreds of short stories in Konkani. Ten books on health education to common people and five short story collections, two novels are published in Konkani.

Richard Moras welcomed the gathering and Edmond Noronha proposed vote of thanks. 'Registanachem Phul' a Konkani book translated by Flavia Albuqueque was released. Henry Mascarenhas proposed vote of thanks.