Puttur:  St Philomena PU College, St Philomena High school Puttur, in association with 3/19 KAR BN NCC Army SD/SW Wing, 91/19 KAR BN NCC Army JD/JW Wing, 5 KAR NAVAL NCC Navy SD/SW Wing, 41 /A 5 KAR NAVAL NCC Navy JD/JW Wing, 44/6 KAR AIR SQN NCC Air JD/JW Wing Jointly Organized World Plastic Bag Free Day on 08-07-2023 at PG Seminar Hall.  Principal of St Philomena college Rev Dr Antony Prakash Monteiro released the Paper bags and stressed the need to reduce the use of plastic. The use of plastic carry bags is easy but it creates implausible pollution.  Studies inform that it takes around 500 years toget it completely decomposed. He encouraged the cadets to create awareness among friends, family and public to reduce the use of plastic, especially single use plastic. Further he lauded the efforts taken by NCC Units towards the noble cause of plastic bag free world.

Cadets and dignitariestook the Pledge against the Plastic Use. Rev Fr Ashok Rayan Crasta, Principal St Philomena PU College graced the occasion with his presence in the Program.         

Naval NCC Officer C/T Thejaswi Bhat compered the program. NCC Officers of various Units coordinated the program. 5 ANOs and 125 Cadets participated in this campaign 100 paper bags are arranged by one of the cadets’parentand donated to College NCC Unit. 

After the program the cadets distributed the bags to local shop vendorsto create awareness against plastic use.