A person starts taking all accusation upon oneself though what has happened may not be true but it looks like that all things get into the system and corrodes us.

The power of discrimination goes we become a scapegoat at others hand and we believe every word what they say if they say useless then we feel useless, we feel helpless as if the world has ended. Life puts forth so many situations in front of us so that we stand up and be in charge of whatever comes.

Often what happen is the experience which has happened before comes in our mind the same thing repeats again and again where the situation overpowers us and we react, without even knowing what to do? Thus Life is a giant wheel where ups and downs come, we might get excited over a small thing but behind that happiness there is a pain which comes charging towards us are we ready to face that pain or do we lament over it .often I find myself lamenting over incidents which has a negative impact this is the power of that particular thought, for every problem there is a solution but when we are deeply rooted to that problem how can one seek guidance.

In this modern era there are counselors, psychiatrist who treats you in time of distress but are we ready to seek that help but most of the time we are so much absorbed in our emotion we do not know what is happening around us.

Let us try to look within and see what is happening inside most of the time we do not want to look at this because it’s ugly we want everything good all that glitters is not gold similarly if a person has the courage to remove one negative thought with a positive thought a person’s life might change in hanuman challis there is a verse saying kumathi niwaar sumathi ke sanghi which means a bad thought should be substituted with a good thought.

Everybody needs courage and persistently one should come out of this negativity this is the most strenuous task that every individual undergoes and this inevitable for each one of us.

We need to relax and let go of all our negative emotions and slowly substitute with a positive emotion and make our life inspiring as great women like Sita Devi and Draupadi in spite of all the hardship that they underwent they never succumbed to their emotion they never lost hope, but we lose hope easily though there are lot of people supporting us we cannot see the support we get.

The only way to come out of it is being a spectator to these emotions this is the most challenging task that one should undertake and live a life accordingly then only we can manage and prioritize our goals.

By relaxing we can let go of the things slowly and substitute it with a good emotion, let’s fight our emotion courageously.