Regardless of who you are, where you come from, your skin colour, your sexual orientation, your gender, you can achieve great success if you’re willing to make the sacrifice. This has been showcased by Dancy D’Souza – Born to Win. Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost appointed Dancy D’Souza on the Advisory Council Ambassador on a two-year term 2023 to 2025 recently at Columbus.

Marlene O’Brien, Saint Saviour Church parishioner at Cincinnati, spoke to the press; Congratulations go out to Dancy D’Souza for officially being named an Ambassador of the Ohio Attorney General’s Human Trafficking Initiative.  As a survivor of work-related trafficking, Dancy joins her husband Harold as a dedicated and out-spoken advocate for victims of trafficking. Dancy brings to the board her experiences as a wife and mother who suffered fear for her husband and children while inadvertently caught in this web of human slavery. Dancy endured long hours of work, feared threats and reprisals when seeking help, and faced her husband-Harold being shot by the trafficker. Dancy hopes to provide a wealth of insight into Ohio’s response to human trafficking.

Dave Yost, Ohio Attorney General said; “As Ohio’s 51st Attorney General, I extend my congratulations and sincerest gratitude for Dancy’s generous commitment to helping the state of Ohio fight the scourge of human trafficking. Through Dancy D’Souza’s work as a member of the Ambassador Advisory Council for the Ohio Attorney General’s Human Trafficking Commission, you have provided a powerful voice to anti-trafficking advocates throughout the state and helped Ohio develop strategies to improve our response to human trafficking.

I thank you for your dedication and your efforts to empower survivors and give them hope. I commend Dancy D’Souza for her community service and her support to this worthy cause. Your time, passion, and energy have helped us moved forward in this fight”.

The first openly gay prince in the world, Manvendra Singh Gohil spoke to the press from Rajpipla; “My heartiest congratulations to Dancy D'Souza for being appointed as Ambassador Advisory Council by Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost. I am proud to be the Board Member of Eyes Open International an American non-profit organization working for issues of Human Trafficking which was founded by Harold D'Souza, husband of Dancy. I am more proud of both my colleagues Harold and Dancy being the first couple to be appointed Ambassador Advisory Council from 2023 to 2025. Both of them being survivors of Human Trafficking their appointment will help the American Government to work for the issues for which Eyes Open International has been set up. I wish them all the best”.

When we take personal responsibility, we improve relationships. We earn trust and become accountable for our actions. People learn to depend on us, and that has positive implications in our personal and professional lives. People with healthy relationships are responsible for their actions and understand great relationships don’t happen by accident.

Dancy D’Souza a native of Bapje, Mangaluru is an Indian American residing in Cincinnati, Ohio.