Thokkottu:  St Sebastian Church Permannur Thokkottu solemnly celebrated the Church feast on 22/01/2023. Rev Fr. Osmand Roshan along with the con celebrants V. Rev. Fr Cyprian Pinto the Parish Priest, Rev Fr. Steevan Coutinho the assistant Parish Priest, Rev Fr. Valerian Pinto the Chaplin of Nirmala Convent,. Rev. Fr Stany the Chaplin of Olavinahalli Ashram, Rev. Fr. Jeson Miranda SJ, Rev Fr. Thrishian, Rev Fr. Maxim Dsouza and Rev. Fr. Maxim celebrated the Eucharist and preached a befitting homily. 

The sponsors were honoured through a blessed Candles. 

The vice president of the Parish council  Arun Dsouza and Jyothi Dsouza the secretary were present for the same. After Holy Eucharist the ICYM, YCS and CLC members entertained the faithful through various lucky stalls. The SSVP members helped devotees with blessed oil and candles.  The gathered crowd can be approximately 2500.