Udupi: The Catholic Association of South Kanara (CASK) established in the year 1914 has done yeomen service in the field of Education and Health Care, in erstwhile South Kanara (DK & Udupi districts). CASK has been implementing many impactful charitable and community service projects, particularly in the last one decade. The Major projects include Personality Development Programme for students (more than 5,665 students benefited); Teacher Enrichment Prograame(1,543 teachers benefited); Footwear for barefoot students (more than 5,000 pairs given); Installation of safe drinking water unites (13 units installed in rural schools & institutes); Home for the Homeless (5 homes sponsored); promotion of blood, organs & Whole body cadaveric donations and Annual Scholarships. In 2016, the CASK Centenary Trust was established as an independent entity to support charitable activities. 

CASK provides Scholarships under three categories (1) from Endowment Funds; (2) from ‘Covid Support’ funds to marginalized families affected by covid deaths or hospitalization of one or both parents; (3) Regular Annual Scholarships; 

The main criteria for granting scholarships in NOT ‘merit or marks’ but the low financial status and problems faced in terms of family issues (Father/Mother deceased, Single parent, daily wage earner, domestic workers, parent suffering from major diseases). The beneficiaries are selected irrespective of Caste, Creed or Religion. 

On behalf of our Patron Rt. Rev. Dr. Peter Paul Saldanha, the Vicar General of Mangalore Diocese – Monsignor Maxim Noronha,  distributed the Scholarships, at the Bishop’s House Hall, in the presence of the  Major donors, Members and well-wishers of CASK, on Saturday 8th July 2023.  Dr Thelma Sequeira was the Guest of Honour at the function.

This year, we received 250 applications and have granted scholarships to 154 students, with a total outlay of Rs.16,09,000/-. 

The beneficiaries include 60 school students, 30 PUC students, 39 Degree students, 5 Nursing students, 6 Engineering students and 14 students from other professional courses.

CASK is thus catering to the needs of the community in an impactful way, with the resources available to us.