Reflection for Saturday, 25th Week of Ordinary Time 


  Fr. Aloysius Santiago sdb
Director, Social Action Movement, Don Bosco Bidar

 Today's WORD of GOD 

Luke 9: 18 - 22 

 Once when Jesus was praying in private and his disciples were with him, he asked them, “Who do the crowds say I am?” 

 They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, that one of the prophets of long ago has come back to life.” 

 “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” 

 Peter answered, “God’s Messiah.” 

 Jesus Predicts His Death 

 Jesus strictly warned them not to tell this to anyone. 

 And he said, “The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life 


Today's Reflection 

“Rejoice, Young Man, while U are Young, & let Your heart Be Glad in the Days of Your Youth.” 

The Author Seems Upbeat About Life when He Writes Those Words, but then He Turns Away from the Joys of Youth & Paints a Gloomy Vignette of Old Age & Death. 

He Describes Lonely Old Folk, Sitting Silent All Day Long, Staring into Space. The Darkness Refers to Failing Eyesight; the idle Grinders are Teeth that have Worn Away; all the Singing Maidens who were Joyful in Youth are Singing No Longer. 

This Text is a Reminder Not to Neglect People who are Burdened with the Pains of Old Age. One Day We too will Join Their Ranks & be in Need of Help. 

In This Odd Way, This can be an Inspirational Text. And There is a Glint of Hope in the Final Saying that, “The Breath Returns to GOD who Gave It.”

Faith Tells Us that JESUS is Always Present with the Lonely & the Dying. HE Tried to Prepare HIS Disciples for the Difficult Times Ahead, when “The Son of Man must be Delivered into the Hands of Men.” 

If They Failed to Understand This, It was because They Did Not Want to Believe Their Ears. They were Afraid to Ask HIM about It Again, in case HE Repeated what They Thought HE Said. 

Admiration can be Fickle, Here One Day & Gone the Next. 

The Gospel Refers to a Time when All were Full of Admiration for Everything JESUS Did. HE had just Healed an Epileptic Boy & All were Amazed at what GOD had Done through HIM. 

But Their Support would Soon Fade, & JESUS Knew HE would Suffer the Same Fate of Many Prophets Before HIM. So at the Very Height of HIS Fame HE Tells HIS Disciples, “The Son of Man is Going to be Handed Over into the Power of Men.”

Popular Admiration Meant Little to JESUS. HE was Driven by the Desire to Do GOD'S Will, to Complete HIS Selfless Work. HE Felt Compelled to Go to Jerusalem, Dangerous as It was, because that City must Hear HIS Message, even if It Led to HIS Death.

What Really Motivates Us? 

We are Called to Make the Priorities of JESUS Our Own, to be about GOD the FATHER'S Business, to Do GOD'S Will with Whatever Gifts & Opportunities We Have. 

This will Bring Not just the Momentary Pleasure of Applause but the Deeper Joy that Comes from Living the Real Purpose of Our Lives.

Good Morning 

 God bless you

Have a wonderful day and a fruitful weekend.