Life is all about living intelligently and keeping yourself happy in spite of the adversities, obstacles hurdles that lies ahead of us we need to make the right choices and choose the best ,most of us succumb to the situation ,and feel low and sad .we need to challenge ourselves and be the best every day.

One negative thought will attract thousand other negative thought if we leave it, its ok but if we catch hold of it, it’s going to rack your entire system. How one virus can destroy the whole system similarly a negative thought can ruin your whole system. We need to use antivirus for our system that is we need to replace all the negative thoughts with positive thoughts, this is a tough task but we need to make it a habit and over a period of time we start seeing things differently .

This small change can bring a lot of difference in us.

Here is a special story that shows us how we identify with happiness…

The Sack

Mula came upon a frowning man walking along the road to town.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

The man held up a tattered bag and moaned, “All that I own in this wide world barely fills this miserable, wretched sack.”

“Too bad,” said Mula, and with that, he snatched the bag from the man’s hands and ran down the road with it.

Having lost everything, the man burst into tears and, more miserable than before, continued walking.

Meanwhile, Mula quickly ran around the bend and placed the man’s sack in the middle of the road where he would have to come upon it.

When the man saw his bag sitting in the road before him, he laughed with joy, and shouted, “My sack! I thought I’d lost you!”

Watching through the bushes, Mula chuckled. “Well, that’s one way to make someone happy.

As the story shows, Happiness is not a distant bird somewhere in some bush. It is often perching right upon our own shoulder. Often we fail to recognize it unless it flies away or as in the above case, gets taken away.

In ancient times, rishi-munis or sages prayed and meditated for a healthy and happy life and after years of practice, the realization dawned that what they were looking for was always within! Today, people hope to find happiness in material things and invest in commodities that have nothing to do with peace. All they care for is acquisition, being the proud owners of the latest, most novel technology in the market.

They seem to draw immense satisfaction and an ego-high from such possessions. However, owning the latest gizmos, gadgets and other products can’t buy you peace or bliss. Rather these can be an invitation for more stress.

In order to be peaceful, all one needs is a few moments of silence. From a 24-hour day, if you can steal just 24 minutes for meditation or sitting in silence, you will benefit greatly. The father of the nation, M K Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world. ”Society is made up of individuals, and all of them put together carry significant strength. If we seek a change in the system, we first need to change ourselves and our habits. If we all bring even a slight change within us, then society, in fact the whole world will transform and become a better place to live in.

Look within and make up your mind to be positive in your approach make positivity your Lifestyle.