Mangalore: School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya was delighted to host the 90th birthday celebration of  Professor Frances Colaco, the former Head of Department of English. The celebration was organised in the auditorium on 13 November 2023, under the initiative of Prof. Maria Phyllis D’Costa.

The celebration began with a prayer song,s oulfully rendered by the students of Roshni Nilaya. A graceful welcome dance by the students spread the celebratory notes loud and clear.

A video encapsulating the wishes,prayers and messages for the wellness and happiness of the chief guest of the day, Prof Colaco, popularly known as Frenny, followed.

Dheeraj D’Costa, son of Prof. Maria Phyllis D’Costa rendered a touching song of love, reliving the time he spent with Prof. Colaco as a child.

Prof Maria Dcosta, who succeeded Prof. Colaco as the Head of the English Department, paid rich tributes to her mentor even as she eloquently spoke about the lifelong achievements and contributions of Prof Colaco.

The staff, the students and the invitees sang in unison wishing Prof. Colaco as she cut her 90th birthday cake. Prof. Maria Phyllis D’Costa along with Dr Malini Hebbar, President of Roshni Alumni Association felicitated Prof Colaco in the traditional Indian way. Dr Sophia Fernandez, the principal  and Dr Jenis Mary,the vice principal felicitated Prof. Colaco with tokens of love. In an electrifying atmosphere of joy, Prof. Colacowas showered with gifts,  wishes and prayers. The long awaited reunion was then commemorated with a toast raised by Dr Malini Hebbar, with quotes from the literary pieces that Prof. Colaco had acquainted Dr Hebbar with when Dr Hebbar was under Prof. Colaco’s tutelage.

This was followed by the recitation of powerful and inspiring speeches and odes dedicated to the chief guest by her colleagues and mentees – Prof Shobhana Manohar and Prof. Malini Mukund. Dr Derek Lobo, a friend and well-wisher of Prof. Colaco threw light on her erudition.

Prof Vineeta Rai, Registrar,delivered the vote of thanks, adding her own toast to the health and well-being of Prof.Colaco. 

The celebration which triggered off many a happy memory, merry laughter, heartfelt reunion, lilting melody, graceful dance, warm wishand bright hope for many more such programmes  to comewas effortlessly and efficiently compered by Ifra Ayesha, the student president who was also instrumental in getting the student volunteers geared up for the programme. The sweetness of the programme was enhanced by a piece of cake enjoyed by everyone present.