Mangaluru: ICYM Episcopal City Deanery(ECD) organized Yuva Parzal 2023 on Sunday 08, 2023 at St. Sebastian Centenary Auditorium, Bendur from 9:00AM to 4:00PM.

The program began with Prayer song led by ICYM Cascia Unit.

The dignitaries on the dais were Rev. Fr. Ashwin Cardoza- Director ICYM Central Council, Rev. Fr. Lawrence Cutinho - Director ICYM ECD, Vinod Lobo - Vice President and Patsy Britto - Secretary Bendur Parish Pastoral Parishad, Wilma Lobo - ICYM Central Council Secretary and ECD Representative, Lianna Rodrigues - ICYM Central Council PRO, Joswin Pinto - President ICYM ECD, Carol Monteiro - Secretary ICYM ECD. Central Council Lady Vice President - Lavisha Dsouza, Amcho Yuvak Rep - Colin were present during the formal program.

ICYM ECD President Joswin Pinto welcomed everyone present. The program was inaugurated by lighting the lamp by the dignitaries. ICYM Secretary Carol Monteiro read the Deanery annual report of 2022-23.

Chief guest of the program Rev. Fr. Ashwin Cardoza addressing the youth said "Youth are the energy of our society. As a youth one can achieve a lot of things and it's a starting point to one's personality development".

ICYM ECD executive committee members of 2022-23 were honoured with certificates. Newly elected ECD executive committee and council members for the year 2023-24 were honored.

Rev. Fr. Lawrence Cutinha ICYM ECD Director in his message appreciated the youth for taking part in the activities. Formal program was concluded with vote of thanks by Riana Dcunha - ICYM ECD Joint Secretary.

Snehal Lobo - ICYM ECD Red Drop Representative compered the formal program.

Games were conducted by ECD Vice President Rorthan Coelho and action songs were conducted by the ECD Executive Committee members.

Dr. Anil Kakkunje and Rev. Fr. Kenneth Crasta were the resource persons for the day who stressed and focused on how to reduce stress and time management. The sessions aimed to strengthen action and cooperation in achieving the goal of a world free of substance like smoking, alcohol, drug abuse. This was followed by Holy Eucharistic celebration. 

Post lunch variety Talent Competitions were held for the units of ECD.

Valedictory ceremony commenced at 3:30PM Rev. Fr. Lawrence Cutinha - ICYM ECD Director and Rev. Fr Robin Santhumayor - Asst. Parish Priest of Milagres, Joswin Pinto ICYM ECD President, Riana Dcunha - ICYM ECD Join Secretary were present on dais.

Fr. Lawrence distributed prizes to all the units for taking part in the games and activities. Fr Robin handed over trophies to the winners of competition.

Jeppu Parish won 1st place and Kulur Parish was runner-up.

The event ended with Baila dance. A total of 105 youth attended the Yuva Parzal 2023.

Youth clicked a picture together to mark the day as a memorable one.