Mangalore: The students of Milagress College Mangaluru of B.Sc(HS) have bagged the first rank and third rank in the Mangalore university Semester examinations held in October 2021.
First rank with 90.93% is bagged by Vineetha Mendonca D/o Victor and Stella Mendonca of Ganjimuttand third rank with 88.69% by Cheryl Mary Lobo D/o Melric and Laveena Lobo of Bendorewell. The students of B.Sc. (HS) have secured formidable result of an overall 100%.
These are the students of 2018-2021 batch and were consistent performers throughout their student life not only in studies but also in extra-curricular activities.
The Management, Principal and the staff have congratulated the above students for their spectacular achievement.
Vineetha Mendonca
I Rank
Cheryl Mary Lobo
III Rank