Mangalore : The most awaited moment in the calendar year other than the holidays and festivities is the investiture ceremony of the student council. A council that represents the student body to its management. The council driven by student centric approach helps bridge gaps between the large student body, the management, faculty and staff. They are an integral part of any student group, who set out an agenda for the year, promoting academic, cultural, sports and philanthropic activities, 6 August 2022 marks the inaugural and handover ceremony of the 21st student council of the Father Muller Medical College (FMMC). Monish Kumar G took over as the New President, Shannia Sharlen Azavedo as the Vice President, Mehana Paul as the General Secretary, Abhilash B & Gwen Dsouza as Student Development Committee, Gaurav Christopher & Abel Thomas Jacob heading the Sports Committee, Bella Maria Vincy & G Archit Rajendra heading the Magazine Committee, Jaswanth Ram heading the Media Committee, Leo Sunil K. Varughese looking into the Technical Committee, Sonali Averil A looking at Fine Arts Committee, Jennifer A, Jane Adrianaa E & Varkey Sieona Winson manning the Cultural Committee.
Office Bearers Student Council 2021 – 22 took over from the earlier batch with exchange of pleasantries in a well rehearsed fashion. Dressed in formal attire the dashing they took the oath of self improvement and to uphold the goodness of their institution as youth of today.
Fr AjithMenezes, Administrator, FMMC introduced the members of the new council. The institutional flag was handed over down to Monish Kumar G, president of the newly elected council by Melisha Gissel standing on behalf of Jordan Ridhay Rasquinha, President of the outgoing council.
The programme began with the procession lead by the president of the outgoing council. Jordan’s calm and collective demeanour with a wicked sense of humour had wade through the past years works with breeze. His ever smiling face and the rapport with his team and students of all batches had made the past year a fruitful and zestful experience for the students.
Office of honour folders were handed over to the members of the new council by the respective members of the outgoing council
• Melisha Gissel D’Souza (General Secretary 2020-21)
• Megha Shaji (Secretary of the Student Development Committee 2020-21)
• Monica Patricia Lobo (Cultural Secretary 2020-21)
• Aaron Denzil Lobo (Sports Secretary 2020-21)
• Esha Mary Nobbay (Magazine Editor 2020-21)
• Raghav S (Secretary of Fine Arts Committee 2020-21)
• Anjali Nair (Secretary of Media Committee 2020-21)
• Angela Biju(Secretary of Technical Committee 2020-21)
Dr Antony Sylvan DSouza, Dean FMMC administered the oath to the newly elected council for the year 2021-22. All stood still in reverence to the Alma Mater as the institutional anthem played.
The ceremony was concluded by the vote of thanks delivered by Melisha Gissel D’Souza the general secretary of the outgoing council. Though the pandemic had derailed the student council, their zeal and enthusiasm to bring the strength in each other shined brighter than the sun. Gleaming and confident a new team arises.
The new student president spoke on the merits of team efforts and the success which he is sure to gain from the team at present. The youthful zeal and fevor will be directed towards the Alma Mater and ensure that the dignity of self and institutions is held high.
Rev. Fr Richard Aloysius Coelho, Director FMCI quote Robin Sharma “victims recite problems but leaders present solutions”. The vision, mission , dedication and values of oneself should be focused and not let astray. The astray need to be brought back by the student council, to be leaders of tomorrow. The talent, time and energy of youth should be channelized for self excellence and achievements. There is goodness in obsession and that one has to seek the good in it. There are strives is life, but being in a group or society helps to relive stress, anxiety and addictions. He congratulated the newly elected council and bit gratitude to the past student council
The students on receiving their council badges arose for the Institutional Anthem. The National Anthem was sung and the end, bringing the curtains for the programme. The Students of the Father Muller Medical College (MBBS & BPT) were part of the council and the audience. Members of the management and Faculty were present for the occasion. Thia & Neil compeered the event.