Puttur 9 September: A democratic Student Council Election is held in St Philomena College Puttur. The election was held under the directions of the Chief Election Officer Rev. Dr Antony Prakash Monteiro, Principal of the Collegewhich was held on 09 September 2023 at the College premises. There were o4 contestants, two each for the posts of President and Secretary. Farvez Akthar D K of III B.C.A. and Vipin H G of III B. Com. contested for the post of President and Vipin H G emerged as the winner. Samruddhi Shenoy of III B.C. A .and Abdul Kadar of III B.Com. contested for the post of Secretary and Samruddhi Shenoy elected as Secretary. Raksha P B of III B.Com. is unanimously elected for the post of Joint Secretary.

In his address, the Principal of St Philomena College, Rev. Dr Antony Prakash Monteiro, warmly congratulated the winners and highlighted the remarkable tradition of this institution in nurturing and cultivating outstanding individuals who have made substantial contributions worldwide. These remarkable alumni have excelled in various fields, including public service, politics, education, and even in their roles as homemakers. Dr Monteiro encouraged the current students to step into the shoes of these esteemed torchbearers and carry forward the illustrious legacy of the College, thereby bringing further honour to the institution.

Furthermore, he showered praise upon the student body for their exemplary conduct throughout the democratic election process. Dr Monteiro took special pride in acknowledging this unique feature of St Philomena College, Puttur, emphasizing the exceptional commitment to democracy and civility displayed by the students. He urged them to maintain this responsible and respectful attitude as they carry out their duties as students, recognizing it as a key factor that sets the institution apart.

Student Welfare Officers Dr Chandrashekar K, Associate Professor, Dept of Physics and Rajeshwari K, Department of Computer Science who also are Deputy Election officers conducted the election proceedings. A.P. Radhakrishna andMr Vinaya Chandra, Dean and HOD of Computer Science were in charge of ballet papers, Vice Principal Prof. Ganesh Bhat and  Dr Vijaya Kumar Moleyar, HOD of Kannada, were the Returning Officers, Bharathi S Rai, PRO &HOD English and Dr Radhakrishna Gowda, Dean and HOD of Dept of Business Administration were the Counting Officers in the election process.Rest of the members of the faculty extended support as Polling Officers in the smooth conduct of the Student Council Election. Post election results students were honoured by the Principal and DJ followed for an hour.