Bengaluru: The number of cases of coronavirus in Bengaluru is low, with 1452 cases detected on Monday and 31 deaths due to infection. After the last six days, the number of infected people has dropped and the death toll has dropped.

Coronavirus levels in the city have subsided and people are sighing. A total of 1452 cases were detected on Monday, leaving 31 victims.

Control of infection in the city The lockdown was imposed for a week from the night of the 14th. Still, there was no shortage of corona infections. The day after the lockdown was announced, the number of infected people reached 1975. Since then there have been over 2 thousand crossings.

After the last six days, the number of infected people has dropped and the death toll has dropped. The lockdown could be cleared by 22nd of July, and then it will be known whether the number of infected cases will decrease or deteriorate.

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33 thousand crossing case

The number of infected persons in Bangalore has soared to 33,229 so far with 6953 cases being cured. The remaining 25574 patients are being treated at scheduled hospitals and Covid care centre’s. The number of deaths due to corona infection has reached 700 borders (698 total).

Two young women killed and 31 killed

According to the Covid report released Monday by the Department of Health and Family Welfare, 31 people have died of corona virus. This includes two young women.

A 21-year-old woman with respiratory problems was confirmed to be infected. She was hospitalized on the 17th. She died the same day without treatment. Similarly, a 22-year-old girl who was infected. She was hospitalized on the 16th. But, she died the same day. How she is infected is unknown