On Wednesday, more than 12 lakh people were infected in the world, while 4.2 thousand people died of corona. The total number of infected people globally has now exceeded 51,90,10,387. Similarly, the number of victims of coronation has reached 62,82,116.
In India, On Wednesday, 2,287 new people became infected in the country. The total number of cases now crosses 4,31,12,861. Yesterday our 54-year-old Corona died. The total death toll has now reached 5,24,157.
In Karnataka. A total of 167 new infections have been reported in Karnataka on Wednesday. The total number of infected cases reached 39,49,133. There were no corona deaths in the state yesterday. The total number of deaths is 40,063.
No infections were reported in Dakshina Kannada on Wednesday. There is a total infection number of 1,35,527. The death had taken a break in the district yesterday. The total number of Corona casualties was 1,850.
No corona deaths and infections were reported in Udupi district on Wednesday. The total number of infected persons is 95,613 and the total number of deaths is 546.