Mangalore, July 25:- There is widespread rain in South Kannada district, as per the forecast of Indian Meteorological Department and Karnataka State Natural Disaster Management Center, red alert has been declared, so all Anganwadi centers, primary and high schools, undergraduate colleges, government, aided and private educational institutions of the district have been notified. DC Mullai Mugilan M.P. declared a holiday on Wednesday 26th. Udupi DC Dr. K. Vidyakumari has also declared holiday tomorrow July 25.

As a precautionary measure, parents should ensure that children do not go to low-lying areas, lakes, rivers and sea shores, fishermen have been instructed not to go into the sea, district level and taluk level officers must be at the central position and carry out disaster management work, nodal officers appointed by the district administration in various areas should always be alert and respond immediately to public complaints and be in constant contact with the DC office control room, he said in the release.

Tourists and public have been advised not to go to river and sea shores. The DC said in a release that the concerned department officials should open a care center in every taluk and keep it ready.