Mangalore, Feb 25:  The culmination of the Bible Mega Convention orgnaised by The Mangalore Diocesan Service Communion (MDSC) and the Bible Commission at the Holy Cross Church, Cordel Grounds, Mangalore, on its final day, witnessed a profound emphasis on spiritual enlightenment and the renewal of families. Gathering for this transformative event were approximately 10,000 faithfuls, many of whom came alongside their families, seeking spiritual growth and communal renewal.

The day unfolded with a soul-stirring praise and worship session led by Kevan Chandan Dsouza, the Co-ordinator of the MDSC. As families joined in collective worship, guided by the melodic voices of Rony D’Souza,Ambembal and his talented ensemble—including Blossom, Joel, Belisha, Shanthi, Silvia, and others—the atmosphere reverberated with spiritual fervor and familial unity.

Most Rev. Dr Aloysius Paul Dsouza, Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Mangalore celebrated the Eucharistic Mass. Rev. Fr Clifford Fernandes, Parish Priest of Cordel Church and Spiritual Director of MDSC, delivered a compelling sermon titled "We are created and called to be transfigured," inspiring attendees to reflect on the transformative potential of faith in family life. He Emphasised on the life driven by utmost faith and trust in the lord and guided by the Word of God.

Rev. Fr Edattu VC delivered an impassioned discourse, complemented by sessions of prayer for deliverance and healing, facilitating a profound spiritual immersion for the family members. Rev. Fr Andrew Dsouza, parish Priest Bajaland Fr Richard OFM CAP were the translators for the preacher. 

A special prayer and healing session was held for the families. As the convention drew to a close, families departed with hearts uplifted by the shared experience of spiritual enlightenment and renewal. The legacy of this gathering will continue to resonate within the community, nurturing the bonds of family and fostering a deeper connection to faith in the days ahead.