Allipade: Indian Catholic Youth Movement, Allipade in association with HDFC Bank conducted a unique program titled "My Nature, My Responsibility," on July 07, 2024 with free sapling distribution and a snake bite awareness program. 

Programe was inaugurated by watering the plants, Fr. Robert D'Souza, Parish Priest and Director of ICYM Allipade in his inaugural address "I congratulate the youth for their enthusiasm and meticulous organization of the program. Today, pollution is increasing and buildings are reaching sky heights, its our duty to protect and nurture our nature"

Fr. Robert distributed saplings to the seven ward representatives. Unit President Mishal and Unit Secretary Primal also presented saplings as mementos to guests.

Reshma Moras introduced the resource person, Mr. Snake Kiran, Later, Snake Kiran delivered an insightful talk about snakes and raised awareness about them, which greatly impressed the parishioners.

Mishal D'Souza ICYM Allipade President welcomed, Secretary Primal Pinto proposed vote of thanks.

Riya Moras and team invoked the blessings of Almighty with devotional prayer song.

Reshma Moras compered the event. The program concluded with the distribution of saplings to each ward members.

Brother Superior of Cluny Convent, Sr. Narsiza; Vice President and Secretary of Allipade, Naveen Moras and Kiran Noronha; Wilson D'Souza, Animator of ICYM; and ICYM Bantwal Deanery President Arrol, Nithin Raj, Deputy Manager of HDFC Bank were present.