ICC student Forum celebrated Gurudev “Rabindranath Tagore Jayanti ” on 7th May, 2022 with “Love and Wisdom” theme, The event was participated by the students , parents, teachers and all the members of the Student forum , in the ICC, Mumbai Hall and also watched live on FB and YouTube.
Kamla Thakur ICC Head of Activity Coordinator & Education made the opening remarks. Shripritika Durairaj was anchoring and steered the evening. On behalf of Student Forum, Anam Durwesh delivered the welcome speech
Chief Guest of the evening was Vinod Nair, ICBF President and Guest of Honor was Shri Jaffer Sadik President of IBPC . Biswajit Banergi, Sanjay Patil and ICC Committee members were other dignitaries present.
ICC Student’s Forum team enthusiastically presented the event which was highly appreciated by the audience. Master Nikki D ’Cruz presented vote of thanks.