Mangalore: The Student Activity Cell of St Aloysius College (Autonomous) organised `Kalothsava 2022’ on 12th October 2022 at Fr L.F. Rasquinha Hall, LCRI Block. Dr Subhashini Srivatsa, Principal, University Evening College, Mangalore was the Chief Guest and inaugurated the programme. Rev. Dr Praveen Martis SJ, Principal of the College presided over the programme. 

Dean of student welfare, Dr Ishwar Bhat, Dr Vaishali Rai, Convenor of the programme, Letitia Natalia DCosta, President of Student Council and Yashaswini Bhat, Cultural Secretary were on the dais.

Chief Guest Dr Subhashini in her speech said, art is an integral part of everyone's life. At every stage of life, personality development and intellectual development take place through art. A life with artistic elements is a real life. Students want to achieve in life by involving themselves in different arts and cultural activities.

Principal, Rev. Dr Praveen Martis, in his presidential remarks said that student life is a very precious time. Students should make a special contribution to the society by utilizing the experiences they get in college life in every way. He said that St Aloysius College offers many cultural programs for the all-round development of the students.

Dean of student welfare, Dr Ishwar Bhat welcomed the gathering and briefed the audience on Kalotsava 2022. He said that the initial purpose of this programme is to identity the students’ talents and nurture them into the respective fields by experts. St Aloysius College has a number of talented students in different areas like drama, skit, singing, dancing, acting, quiz, etc. and the college is highly supportive giving opportunities to showcase their talents in and outside the college. He also encouraged the students and said that they must develop their personality and become true Aloysians.

Finance Officer, Rev. Fr Vincent Pinto, SJ, Directors of various blocks of the College, Deans and the faculty members were present during the programme. 

Yashashswini Bhatt, Cultural Activities Secretary of the College Student Union introduced the chief guest. Students Council President Leticia Natalia DCosta felicitated the Chief Guest with a memento. Program Coordinator Dr Vaishali Rai proposed the vote of thanks.

At the end of the program, a cultural program was held by the students of the college.