Mangalore:  The Konkani Catholic Advocates Guild was officially inaugurated on 21.10.2023 at St. Antony's Ashram, Jeppu, Mangaluru. The inauguration commenced with the First Red Mass imploring the blessings and graces of the Holy Spirit on all the Advocates and Law students. The mass  was officiated by Most. Rev. Dr. Peter Paul Saldana and con celebrated by Rev. Fr. J.B. Crasta, Fr Vinod, Fr Paul D Souza and Fr Rayan Pinto. The red mass served as a spirituality uplifting moment, instilling a sense of purpose in those present to work for justice and peace and contribute to creating a new world Order. 

The inauguration of the Newly Formed Guild was held soon after the mass. Dr. Ronald Anil Fernandes Member Karnataka Public Service Commission was the Chief Guest of the Inagural. He spoke of the Importance of such a guild in order to represent the need of the lost, the least and the last of the society and to work for justice that is affordable to all and create legal awareness in a language understandable to all people. Most Rev. Dr. Peter Paul Saldana the bishop of Mangalore Diocese encouraged the members of the guild to restore and resolve the issues related to the family amicably and to represent the church in its necessity and need.  M P Noronha, A Senior Advocate spoke of the importance of the guild in his introductory talk as the guild that once was formed was capable of fighting for justice especially during the atrocities faced by the church in the year 2008. Reviving the guild is the need of the hour.  The Office bearers and the council members of the newly formed guild took the oath under the guidance of Most. Rev. Bishop Peter Paul Saldanha so as to work for the guild and to bring justice to the people.  Fr J. B. Crasta the Spiritual Director of the guild spoke of the way St. Thomas More, the patron saint of Advocates gave his life for truth

The programme was well organized under the able leadership of the President  Santhosh Peter D Souza, Vice President Aloysius Lobo, Secretary Sr Rency D Silva, Joint Secretary Reshma Priya and Treasurer  Roshan D Souza and all the Council members.the palnning committee and the programme committee played pivotal roles in systematically organizing the entire event.  Lolina was the Master of Ceremony. The programme concluded with a lunch, bringing together all in a spirit of community and union.