Mumbai: Doctor 365, under the leadership of chairman Dr. Dharmendra Kumar and actor-producer-director Dheeraj Kumar, is organizing the "Doctor 365 Bollywood Maha Arogya Shivir" on January 19, 2025, at Chitrakoot Ground, Andheri West, Mumbai. The health camp, aimed at providing free medical assistance, has been benefiting thousands of people every year.
The press conference, held at Juhu Gymkhana, saw the presence of several Bollywood personalities, including Poonam Dhillon, Deepak Parashar, Vindu Dara Singh, spiritual leader Sadhguru Shri Dayal, musician Dilip Sen, singer Madhushree, Bright Outdoor Media’s Dr. Yogesh Lakhani, Mahendra Poddar, Amit Doshi,Harish Choksi,Chetan Desai, Daljeet Kaur, Sangeeta Tiwari, and many others. The event began with a ceremonial lamp-lighting, followed by a Ganesh Vandana performed by Vivek Prakash and Roli Prakash.
Dr. Dharmendra Kumar and Dheeraj Kumar honored the guests, highlighting the initiative’s significance for Bollywood artists, technicians, backstage workers, media personnel, and their families. This year marks the fourth edition of the health camp, which began in 2022.
Highlights of the Camp:
Free health check-ups, Distribution of medicines worth over Rs. 4 crores, Free eye check-ups, glasses, and wheelchairs, Special provisions for women’s health.
Dr. Dharmendra Kumar mentioned that Doctor 365 has set records by conducting over 1.9 crore free TB screenings and serving more than 5.56 crore patients. He expressed his gratitude to his brother Dheeraj Kumar and collaborators like Manish Singhal of Dangal TV and Ramesh Taurani for their continued support. He also shared plans for making Gujarat TB-free next year.
Dheeraj Kumar praised Dr. Dharmendra Kumar’s dedication and stated, “What started as a solo journey is now a movement with many joining hands. This camp is a historic effort for the film industry, and we all stand by him.”
Dr. Yogesh Lakhani of Bright Outdoor Media added, “This is a remarkable social welfare initiative, and I am proud to be associated with it.”
The organizers invited everyone to attend the camp on January 19 to avail themselves of the free health services.