Mangalore:  The Department of Commerce, Centre for Post Graduate Studies and Research, St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluruon behalf of International Women’s Day (NSDL Banner) organised an offline session on “An overview of Indian Securities Market and Investment Avenues” on 06 March 2023. The speaker for the session was Padmavathy Oruganti, BSE Trainer.

The session started by seeking God’s blessings by  Manisha and group, followed by the introduction of the speaker by Rolvi Dsilva.

The speaker concentrated on different types of investment avenues, the process of securities market and also spoke about the steps that should be followed by an investor while investing in the securities market.

 The session was very knowledgeable and the various inputs given by her were informative and useful.The resource speaker concluded the session with a meaningful quote, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest” by Benjamin Franklin. She then called upon Nelson Marwin Fernandes, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce and Dr. Dolan Champa Banerjee Head, PG Department of Commerce to share their knowledge about the securities market and investment avenues. Girish Prabhu who was present in the session also shared his views on the topic. Finally the platform was open for questions. Rishal Dsouza final year M.Com student proposed the vote of thanks.

The session was enriching for the students. The beneficiaries of the session were M. Com students and faculty.