Dr. Lara Wilken from Bowling Green State University invited world renowned ‘Survivor Ambassador’ Harold D’Souza to train the State Highway Patrol, Fire Departments, Perkins Township Division of Police, Sandusky Police Officials and the Sheriff’s Departmentsto identify victims of Labor Trafficking in the United States of America.

This empowering event was organized on Thursday January 19th, 2023 at Perkins Police Department Township Hall.

Dr. Lara Wilken shared; “Harold thank you for your kind words, it takes a community and a team to achieve the dream.  On 19th we witnessed both. I was more grateful that it provided a platform for Harold to be able to share his remarkable and inspiring journey with all of us. Every time we are together, I learn something new and for that I am forever grateful to Harold D’Souza. Looking forward to future efforts in raising awareness on human trafficking with Harold”. 

President Biden has proclaimed January 2023 as “National Human Trafficking Prevention Month,” reaffirming his Administration’s commitment to protect and empower survivors of all forms of human trafficking, to prosecute traffickers, and to bring an end to human trafficking in the United States and around the world.

Linda Majeska Powers, Legal Director from Dave Yost Ohio Attorney General’s Office attended the ‘Human Trafficking – A Training for First Responders’ at Sandusky, Ohio.

Harold D’Souza, international inspirational speaker serves on the ‘Advisory Council’ of Collaborative to End Human Trafficking, based at Cleveland, Ohio.

Former Ohio Senator Teresa Fedor presented at this forum. Today Teresa Fedor is on the State Board of Education.

“It’s my dream project to start a ‘Male Shelter Home’ in the United States of America” spoke Harold D’Souza to the press.

If you or anyone you suspect is a victim of labor exploitation, sexual abuse, or LGBTQ harassment in America dial: 1-888-373-7888, in Canada call: 1-833-900-1010 and in India dial: +91-79902-62632.

Indian American Harold Henry D’Souza native of Bajpe, Manguluru, India is the Co-Founder of Eyes Open International a nonprofit organization based in the United States of America focused on prevention of human trafficking.