Deralakatte: Teachers Day was celebrated on 6th September 2021 at Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College to commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the first Vice President of India and a highly respected teacher & philosopher.

The prayer song was sung by Dr Freeda and Team. Noah Sharon, President, Student Association, welcomed the gathering. This was followed by the felicitation of teachers by Rev. Fr Roshan Crasta, Administrator & Rev. Fr Rohan Michael Dias, Assistant Administrator Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical & Hospital.

Administrator, Rev. Fr Roshan Crasta in his message, wished all the teachers and reiterated that teachers are the role models and they also represent their teachers who have taught them and helped them in becoming who they are today.

On this occasion Dr Kurian P J, Associate Professor, Department of Repertory, was felicitated for his article titled “An attempt to estimate the Noises in Homeopathic Pathogenetic Trials by employing the Jaccard Similarity Indexed and Noise Index” . accepted for publication in the esteemed international peer reviewed indexed journal ‘Homeopathy’( British Journal of Homoeopathy).

Guru Dakshina from students was received by the Principal and the members of management committee.  Dr E S J Prabhu Kiran, Principal gave his message and he asked the students to respect the teachers and to learn the best qualities from them and to honor them for their sacrifices in order to mould their life.

Dr Disha Rao, MD Part II Scholar proposed the vote of thanks.

Ria Grace Devasia and K Aparna, Interns were the MC for the programme.