Reflection for TUESDAY, 17th Week, Ordinary Time


Fr. Aloysius Santiago sdb
Assistant Parish Priest,Manjeshwar,Kasargod

 Gospel Passage for the day 

 Matthew 13:36-43    

 Leaving the crowds, Jesus went to the house; and his disciples came to him and said, ‘Explain the parable about the darnel in the field to us.’ He said in reply, ‘The sower of the good seed is the Son of Man. The field is the world; the good seed is the subjects of the kingdom; the darnel, the subjects of the evil one; the enemy who sowed them, the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; the reapers are the angels. Well then, just as the darnel is gathered up and burnt in the fire, so it will be at the end of time. The Son of Man will send his angels and they will gather out of his kingdom all things that provoke offences and all who do evil, and throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth. Then the virtuous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Listen, anyone who has ears!’

 Reflection on the Readings 

If we have to summarise the teachings of our faith in a simple way, it could be like this.

1.    God is love and He created us with love.

2.    God forgives us when we commit sin

3.    There will be a judgement day and a time of reckoning for all that we have done.

Certainly, we believe that God is love and that He is merciful and compassionate.

He will forgive us when we repent of our sins, and He keeps calling out to those stubborn sinners.

As much as we believe in a loving and forgiving God, we also need to see that He has set out a way of life for us.

That way of life is found in the 10 Commandments, or as what the 1st reading calls it “the Ten Words”.

So we know what God wants of us and how we should live our life.

God has made it clear for us what is right and wrong, and we can’t claim to be ignorant.

God has sown seeds of goodness in our hearts, and we must not let the evil one poison our hearts with sin.

And when we fall into sin, then we also cannot blame anyone, but take responsibility for the wrong we have done.

So we have a choice as to how we want to live our lives, and we know that God has shown us how to live our lives.

May we listen to God and be responsible for our choices and actions.


Good morning. Have a nice day.

Happy feast of St Alphonsus Ligouri

Let's remember and pray for all the Redemptorists.