International Mother Language Day was celebrated at World Konkani Centre with the theme ‘Konkani Education in Karnataka’ at the World Konkani Centre.

Founder President World Konkani Centre Basti Vaman Shenoy presided. Chairman of the Konkani Text Book Revision Committee Karnataka state Prof. Dr. Kasturi Mohan Pai gave the back ground of the event and briefed the members on 1000 years history of written Konkani and the present status of Konkani teaching in schools. Dr. B Devdas Pai coordinator, PG studies in Konkani in Mangalore University elaborated on collegiate study of Konkani. Heads of 18 educational Institutions from Dakshina Kannada, Udupi, Uttara Kannada District teaching Konkani in their Institutions, 16 Konkani teachers and other leaders of various Konkani organizations were present and exchanged ideas and means of quantitative and qualitative improvements needed for the future growth of Konkani as an academic subject at various levels.