Nellimar is a cluster in Badaga Bellur village in Bantwal taluk.It is inhabitated by paddy farmers. The paddy farmers are neglected lot. So the plight of this cluster is not different.
There was a farm pond spread in almost one acre and completely filled with debris. It is called Nellimar Farm Pond. Hardly any water will collect in this pond during monsoon.
Gunavathi and Harinakshi are Volunteers workers of DISHA TRUST®Mangalore. They went to this village and spoke with them. The farmers of this cluster expressed interest to form a Farmers group. They named their group as Sarathi. The group is headed by Baby Raj, Mallika Hegde, Sanjiva Shetty, Hemalatha and Sunder Shetty.
The group expressed their desire to renovate this pond. As all the farmers surrounding this pond are very poor and were not able to contribute financially. But the pond if renovated could hold large quantity of water. It is important to them because it will seep water to near by wells and ponds and increase ground water.
DISHA Trust appealed well wishers and donors to help these farmers for renovation. The engineers estimated about Rs 3 lakh to remove the debris and to give a renovated look. Since only Rs 1.5 lakh was raised through donations it was decided to renovate half the portion.
Accordingly, now the pond is renovated. The soil removed from the pond was put around the pond. A pathway is created all around the pond. Fruit plants, Hedge plants are planted around. If more donors come forward remaining soil will be excavated. A better fence spring water well could be installed.
The renovation date 30-6-2020
Article by Henry Valder