Mangalore, October 02: Shakthi Education Trust observed Gandhi Jayanthi celebration today. Dr. Shikaripura Krishnamurthy, Retired lecturer in Sanskrit, St. Aloysius College, Mangaluru was the chief guest. Speaking on this occasion he said “Character building is not happening in Schools. Character building comes from their very lives and really speaking, it must come from within yourselves.
“Quality improvement of the teacher is the need of the day. No compromise should be done in Teaching. Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an unconquerable will”.
He Conveyed ‘Compulsory teaching in mother tongue for Grade 1-5 through the National Education policy will be a wonderful boost to Education system’. The same was the expectation of the Mahatma. Ten Commandments like sathya, ahimsa, niyama, tapas, swadhyaya, santosha etc proposed by Gandhiji is worth emulating he added.
Mahatma Gandhi has been given the title of ‘Father of India’ as he took up the path of non-violence to fulfil his goals. An international organization like United Nations General Assembly has marked his birth anniversary as the International Day of Non-Violence which is October 2. Gandhiji’s life has been an inspiration to many because of the life he led, so also the life of Lal Bahadur Shastri.
Dr. K.C. Naik, the Administrator in his Presidential address assured of campaigning the Gandhian principles and Shastri’s thoughts to the younger generation and help them become useful citizens of this nation.
The programme began with All faith prayer, various bhajans by Scout Master and Guide Trainers led by Sharanappa and team, followed by the significance of the day by Bhavya Amin, EVS Teacher Sudheer M. K., Principal of Shakthi PU College rendered the welcome address, Chief Advisor, Ramesh K. introduced the guest to the audience. Vidya Kamath G-Principal of Shakthi Residential School, concluded with the Vote of Thanks.
Institute Development Officer-Prakyath Rai, was present along with the teaching and non-teaching fraternity and the parents with their ward.
Sreenivas B.M, PET and Poornesh P. were the coordinators. Sangeetha Marina Peris, English Teacher compered the programme.