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Dr. Sridevi Alva

Gastritis-is an inflammation , irritation or erosion of the lining of the stomach.

What Causes Gastritis?

Gastritis can be caused by irritation due to excessive alcohol use, chronic vomiting, stress, or the use of certain medications such as aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs. It may also be caused by any of the following:

1. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori): A bacteria that lives in the mucous lining of the stomach ; without treatment, the infection can lead to ulcers, and in some people, stomach cancer.

2. Bile reflux: A backflow of bile into the stomach from the bile tract (that connects to the liver and gallbladder).

3. Infections caused by bacteria and viruses.

Foods That Can Trigger Gastritis Include:

1. Sodas

2. Coffee

3. Sugar

4. Energy drinks

5. Corn

6. Soy

7. Processed foods

8. Trans fats

9. Sweets

10. Grains

Other triggers include:

1. Smoking

2. Alcohol

3. Drugs (such as cocaine)

What Are the Symptoms of Gastritis?

Symptoms of gastritis vary among individuals, and in many people there are no symptoms. However, the most common symptoms include:

1. Nausea or recurrent upset stomach

2. Abdominal bloating • Abdominal pain

3. Vomiting

4. Indigestion 

5. Burning or gnawing feeling in the stomach between meals or at night

6. Hiccups

7. Loss of appetite 

8.Vomiting blood or coffee ground-like material

9. Black, tarry stools


1. Avoid hot spicy food.

2. Eliminating irritating food from your diet ,such as lactose from dairy or gluten from diet.

Foods that help alleviate gastritis:

1. Turmeric

2. Cranberry juice

3. Peppermint

4. Green tea

5. Blueberries

6. Ginger

7. Avocado

8. Garlic

9. Yogurt

10. Beet juice


Fennel – Fennel is one of the most popular gastritis herbal remedies. It cures indigestion and relieves acidity. 

Aloe Vera – Aloe Vera helps reduce inflammation and pacify Pitta dosha, relieving gastritis symptoms. 

Cardamom – Cardamom is a great remedy for gastritis and acid reflux.

Eight best home remedies for gastritis

1. Follow an anti-inflammatory diet.

2. Take a garlic extract supplement.

3. Try probiotics.

4. Drink green tea with manuka honey.

5. Use essential oils.

6. Eat lighter meals.

7. Avoid smoking and overuse of painkillers.

8. Reduce stress.

Quote for the day: Stomach is the root cause for all the diseases, so keep your gut healthy