Udupi:  Indian Catholic Youth Movement of Diocese of Udupi organised a one day youth convention "EMERGE 2022" from 9am to 5pm at St. Mary's English Medium School at Kannapady, Udupi. 

Stage program was organised by ICYM Central council. At 9am President of the program Most Rev. Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Diocese of Udupi inagurated the convention. In his Message he said that Youth should love Christ an inculcate values of Christ in their lives. He quoted Holy Father Francis message saying that they should love the Eucharist and to lead a truthful life by following God's commandments. 

Rev. Fr Charles Menezes - Parish Priest of Mother is Sorrows Church and Dean of Udupi Deanery, Rev. Fr Franklin D'Souza - Parish Priest of Our Lady of Assumption Church, Hiriyur Chitradurga District Diocese of Shimoga also former National Youth Director of ICYM and Rev. Fr Johnson Sequeira - Principal of St. Mary's English Medium School, Kannapady Udupi were the chief guests. 

At 9:30am Fr Charles Menezes delivered the Ist talk on "Inter religious marriages and its challenges". He enlightened youth upon present conversion bill how it affects the faith and values of life. He asked them to be strong in faith and build a family based on faith rather than reasoning.

At 10:30am Fr Franklin D'Souza enlightened the youth on the topic "Role of the youth in the Church and in the society". He said that we should go beyond borders to understand the gift of life given by God. He sited various instances and motivated the youth. 

At 11:30am Fr Franklin D'Souza concelebrated Holy Eucharist with Fr Harry D'Souza and Fr Steven Fernandes. In his homily Fr Franklin D'Souza asked young people to witness Jesus in their lives. 

After the lunch cultural programme was organised. Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo was the Chief guest. Five Deanery youth exhibited their talents. Prizes were distributed to the winners. 

Fr Steven Fernandes - Secretary for the Youth Commission together with ICYM Diocese of Udupi  Inesh Miranda and ICYM council members organised the program. After the COVID this was the first mega program conducted for the Diocesan Youth. From five deaneries 500 young people gathered for the Convention.