Shirva: Dr Herald Ivan Monis has been appointed as the new principal of St. Mary’s College, Shirva. He has taken charge on 1st May, 2020 from the incumbent principal Prof. Rajan V.N. Catholic Educational Society of Udupi Diocese has made the appointment.
Dr Monis has been in teaching profession since 1994. He has served as an Associate Professor of Commerce at Milagres College, Kallianpur for the past 26 years.
He secured his B.Com. degree from Sri Bhuvanendra College, Karkala (affiliated to Mangalore University) in 1992 with second rank, and M.Com. from Mangalore University Campus, Konaje in 1994.
He was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) by Mangalore University in 2011 for his thesis entitled, “Employee Motivation: An Analytical Study with Reference to the ITES - BPO Industry”.
He has undertaken a UGC sponsored Minor Research Project titled “Community Participation in Tourism Development - A Case Study of Malpe Tourism Area of Karnataka State”.
Dr Monis has presented 24 research papers - 12 in international and 12 in national level conferences. He has secured “Best Research Paper of the Conference Award” twice for two of his research papers presented in two international conferences.
He has published 38 research papers – 19 with International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs) and 19 with International Standard Serial Numbers (ISSNs) including 11 in reputed international journals.
He has authored three books titled, “Strategic Management and Organizational Behaviour”, “Business Law” and “Indian Corporate Law” for the I, V and VI semesters of B.Com. of Mangalore University respectively.
He has edited three books titled, “Coastal Tourism: Development of Coastal Karnataka as a Destination for Tourism - Opportunities and Constraints”, “Globalization, Human Rights and Democracy”, Vol. I and “Financial Inclusion - Opportunities and Challenges”.
Dr Monis is a recognized Research Supervisor (Ph.D. guide) for the Ph.D. programme of Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.
He is serving as a member of the Editorial Boards of four reputed research journals, viz., International Business Research (Canada), International Journal of Organizational Behaviour and Management Perspectives, Research Editions and Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies.
He has served as a member of the Board of Examiners (B.O.E.) of Mangalore University in the year 2016, as a special invitee in the meetings of Board of Studies (B.O.S.) of Mangalore University during 2016-18 and as a member of the Board of Examiners (B.O.E.) of St. Agnes College, (Autonomous), Mangalore.
He has served as the General Secretary of Mangalore University Commerce Teachers’ Association (MUCTA) for 2016-18 and Joint Secretary I of Association of Mangalore University College Teachers (AMUCT) for 2016-18. At present, he is the Vice-President of Mangalore University Commerce Teachers’ Association (MUCTA) for 2018-20.
St. Mary’s College, Shirva, which offers the undergraduate programmes of B.A., B.Com., B.C.A and post-graduate programmes of M.S.W. and M.Com., has a history of 40 years and is known for its quality of education and service in the region.