Mangalore:- Commissioner of Ullal Nagara Sabha, Rayappa, has issued public notification regarding guidelines to be compulsorily followed by the citizens for domestic waste disposal within Ullal municipality limits. The guidelines are to be strictly followed by all households, owners of shops and establishments, commercial and residential buildings, hotels and restaurants, vegetable, fish and meat vendors and others.

As per Solid Waste Management Rules 2016, all citizens are to compulsorily segregate all solid waste generated in their respective places at source, separately into two categories, wet waste and dry waste, and hand over the same in separate buckets to the municipal waste collection vehicles. Municipality shall not accept if mixed waste is given in plastic bags in violation of these rules, and penalty of Rs. 500/- to Rs. 2500/- will be imposed.

As per order of National Green Tribunal and Supreme Court, offenders will be prosecuted in court under Section 224, 263 and 276 of The Karnataka Municipalities Act 1964. Hence house owners and owners of shops, commercial and residential properties are requested to cooperate by segregating waste at source and giving to municipality. Legal action will be taken if waste is found to be dumped in plastic bags along road side or near the Ullal beach. If case vehicle does not arrive, Ullal municipality may be informed by phone number 7204476548.