Mangalore, Oct 07: Mogachi Laram Recording studio inaugurated by Ex-MLC Ivan Dsouza and Fr. Onil Dsouza Director of St. Antony Jeppu Ashram.

Vincent Fernandes famous Lyricist and Music Composer Launch the new recording studio at Cascia Jeppubappal Mangalore on October 6, Tuesday. The studio was inaugurated by lighting the Lamp. Fr. Erick Crasta Parish Priest of St. Rita Church Casica blessed the studio.

Raymond Dcunha Editor of Pingara and and Jossy Thiyodhor ward Gurkar of Casica Church congratulated Vincent Fernandes.

On this occasion Vincent Fernandes's mother Mary Fernandes and his brother Norbert Fernandes were present. Judith Dsouza delivered vote of thanks, Roshan Kamath compered the programme.