Mangaluru: The 2 days yoga session for teachers organised by Samvit Research Foundation in collaboration with Vidya Bharathi and Shakthi Education Trust was called off today. About 28 beneficiaries from 17 different schools of Mangaluru and Bantwal Taluk underwent the training under the guidance of Yogacharya Manjunath Bengaluru, Prakash, Praveenand Sanjay of Samvit.
“In Life there is essentially two ways by which man can become wise: reading books and meeting people. Every time we read a book, the impact of the same is felt on us. Similarly, the people who come into our lives leave us behind with greater lessons for our life. One such occasion is these two days that has helped us to know each other and benefit. The reason behind such an arrangement is to initiate the art of yoga learning in you and then spread it out at large to the institutions you belong to” said Vidya Kamath G, Principal Shakthi Residential School addressing the inmates of the camp.
“Shakthi desires to continue this association with Samvit and is anxious to introduce the Katha Bharathi module too in the near future” she said
Initially the programme began with a prayer by Divya. This was followed by sharing of experiences by the campers. Manjunath Shinde, Implementation Officer shared his views and the work culture adopted by Samvit. Chandrashekar, District Co-ordinator read the report of the two days session and also proposed the vote of thanks, reminiscing the support received from all corners for the smooth conduct of this programme. Resource personnel from Rasthrothana, Bengaluru and Samvit Research Foundation were felicitated on this occasion by the Institute Development Officer Prakyath Rai of Shakthi Education Trust.