Bangalore, Oct 31: The list of state Kannada Rajyotsava Awards 2023 has announced and the 68 achievers in various fields and 10 organizations have been selected for the award.

From Coastal District Charmadi Hasanabba in social service, Lilavati Baipaditaya, Argodu Mohandas Shenai in Yakshagana, Dr. Prashant Shetty in medical field, Haji Abdullah Parkala in complex field, Dinesh Aminmattu in journalism received the award.

Dakshina Kannada Federation of Muslim Educational Institutions and Maruti Janaseva Sangh received the award and 10 organizations that worked for the prosperity of Karnataka were also involved.

The various organizations considered for this award are music, dance, film, theatre, sculpture, painting, handicrafts, Yakshagana, Bayalata, folk, social service, administration, medicine, literature, education, sports, judiciary, environment, media, science, technology, freedom fighter and other fields are considered for award.