Puttur:  St Philomena College Yakshakalakendra a Center for Studies in Indian Classical and Folk Arts, Internal Quality Assurance Cell in collaboration with Deshabhaktha N S Kille Prathishtana(R), Kedambady inaugurated a certificate course in Yakshagaana’ Yakshamritha’ in the Spandana seminar hall of the College.

Sri Kadamajalu Subhash Rai, president of Deshabhaktha N S Kille Prathishtaana inaugurated the said certificate course and said that students are to take part in art and folk culture so as to nurture a complete personality which will lead to purification of souls and when we develop such noble values in us ,no other worldly  accomplishments surpass the bliss attained and it will pave way to eternal happiness. He also added that Deshabhakta  N S Kille Prathishtaana will always extend a helping hand when the College being a platform to serve for the cause andpromotion of  Indian culture and art .

Prof Ganesh Bhat, Vice Principal of the College presided over the formal progamme and in his presidential remarks he said, ‘Yakshagaana folk art has its own majesty. The galaxy of alumni has set an impression of cultural legacy in this College and students are to tread on the path by maximum utilization of the available resources and opportunities in this direction’.

Students of Yakshakalakendra rendered invocation. Prashanth Rai, Coordinator of Yakshakalakendra welcomed and presented introductory remarks. Rajeshwary M ,Coordinator of the certificate course proposed vote of thanks. Dinakara Anchan,Asst. Professor Dept of Commerce compered the programme. Yakshaguru Sri Balakrishna Poojary was present on the dais. 50 students of the College have enrolled for the Certificate Course.